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Indian S&T Diaspora 6412 (47 Countries)

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S&T Diaspora 503

Indian R&D Institutions 267

S&T Personnel based in India 661


Profile of the Week

Dr. Vijay P. Singh

Dr. Vijay P. Singh holds the Arthur K. Barton Endowed Professorship in Civil and Environmental Engineering at Louisiana State University, U. S.A. He obtained a Ph. D. in Civil Engineering from Colorado State University, and a D. Sc. in Engineering from the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. He is the author, editor or co-editor of numerous publications, book chapters, journal articles, and conference proceedings papers and technical reports, in the area of water and environmental resources. He is Editor-in-Chief of Water Science and Technology Library Book Series and is a member of 14 journal editorial boards dealing with water resources and environment. Currently, Professor Singh serves as President of the American Institute of Hydrology (AIH), President of G. B. S. Board, and President of the Foundation for Aggrandizement of Rural Areas (FARA); and has served on numerous committees of professional organizations and panels at national and international levels. Another unique area that Professor Singh has been making a mark is public service and education. About seven years ago he established a school for imparting quality education, virtually free of cost, in his native village near Agra, India. He has been funding the school entirely through his own funds. For his scientific contributions, he has received numerous local, state, national and international wards. He is a fellow of ASCE, AWRA, IE, IAH, ISAE, and IWRS. He has also been elected Academician by the Georgia Fazisi Academy, Republic of Georgia. He holds membership in 15 professional associations. He had published Textbooks: 30; Solutions Manuals: 2; Handbook and Encyclopedia: 2; Edited Books: 71; Book Chapters: 114; Journal Articles: 1291; Conference Proceedings Papers: 330; Special Edited Journal Issues 13; Book Reviews: 50; and Technical Publications and Reports: 72].

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