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Profile of the Week

Professor Arun Agrawal

Dr Arun Agrawal is Samuel Trask Dana Professor of Governance and Sustainability at the School of Natural Resources & Environment, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He is an expert on Environment Justice, Environment Policy and Planning. He emphasizes the politics of international development, institutional change, and environmental conservation in his research and teaching. He has written critically on indigenous knowledge, community-based conservation, common property, population resources, and environmental identities. He is currently carrying out research in central and east Africa as well as South Asia. Dr Agrawal, a Member of the US National Academy of Science, was the coordinator for the International Forestry Resources and Institutions network during 2006-2017. Since 2013, he has served as the editor-in-chief of World Development and his recent work has appeared in Science, PNAS, Conservation Biology, Development and Change, among other journals. Dr Agrawal has published about 100 research papers and has authored 2 books, 1 monograph and 22 book chapters apart from being an editor and reviewer of several journals and books. His H Index is : ISI, Web of Science – 45; Google Scholar – 70; Total Citations ISI > 8,000; Google Scholar > 35,000. Dr Agrawal’s work has earned him several prestigious awards and honours. Preceding his work at University of Michigan, Dr Agrawal studied at Duke University for his PhD and MA; Indian Institute of Management, Ahmadabad for MBA and Delhi University for BA. He served University of Florida as Assistant Professor and was Associate Professor at Yale University and McGill University.

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