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Indian S&T Diaspora 6412 (47 Countries)

Connected for Societal Benefits
S&T Diaspora 508

Indian R&D Institutions 267

S&T Personnel based in India 675

hyperlink ploicy | PRABHASS

Hyperlinking Policy

1. Links to external websites/portals

A. At many places in this Portal (PRABHASS), you shall find links to other websites/Portal/web application/mobile applications. These links have been placed for your convenience. GOI is not responsible for the contents of the linked destinations and does not necessarily endorse the views expressed in them.

B. Mere presence of the link or its listing on this Portal (PRABHASS) should not be assumed as endorsement of any kind.

C. We cannot guarantee that these links will work all the time and we have no control over availability of linked destinations.

D. When you select a link to an external website, you are leaving this Portal (PRABHASS) and are subject to the privacy and security policies of the owners/ sponsors of the external website.

E. GOI cannot authorize use of copyrighted materials contained in linked website. Users are advised to request such authorization from owners of linked websites.
GOI does not guarantee that linked websites comply with Indian Government Web Guidelines.

2. Links to our Portal (PRABHASS) by other websites/Portals

A prior permission for linking directly to the information that is hosted on this Portal (PRABHASS) is required. Also, we do not permit our pages to be loaded into frames on your site. The pages belonging to this website must load into a newly opened browser window of the User.

The content featured on the website is subjected to the copyright laws of India.