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Indian S&T Diaspora 6412 (47 Countries)

Connected for Societal Benefits
S&T Diaspora 508

Indian R&D Institutions 267

S&T Personnel based in India 673

Diaspora Collaborations | PRABHASS

Distinguished and Outstanding Scientists Scheme for the Scientists and Technologists of Indian Origin (STIOs)

CSIR operates a scheme named “Distinguished and Outstanding Scientists Scheme for the Scientists and Technologists of Indian Origin (STIOs)” to engage global Indian S&T experts in the effort of CSIR focussed on shaping a new S&T landscape to address global scientific challenges. CSIR beckons S&T leaders from across the world to reposition CSIR to push the frontiers of S&T and carry out globally competitive research in the cutting edge areas by setting up of global centres of excellence at CSIR institutes and ascertaining global networking. These experts are expected to help in bringing unique expertise and experience, facilitating rapid building and enhancement of S&T innovation capacity of CSIR and thereby increasing the ability to compete globally and to effectively address global scientific challenges.

Ministries/Department : CSIR

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Energy Biosciences Overseas Fellowships

DBT “Energy Biosciences Overseas Fellowships” is a flagship scheme of DBT for bringing back the scientists of Indian origin who are working outside the country in the field of Energy Biosciences. Energy Biosciences Chairs are for the senior scientists who are desirous of pursuing, complementing and enhancing quality of R&D in energy related biosciences in Indian institutions. Currently four overseas fellows and two chairs have been working at various host institutions. Several processes in different areas of biofuels, enzymes, bioenergy at various Indian institutions are being developed by fellows enriching the R&D in the bioenergy field. Cumulatively around 40 papers were published in international peer reviewed journals. This program is coordinated by DBT-ICT Centre for Energy Bioscience, Mumbai

Ministries/Department : DBT

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Wellcome Trust Fellowship

The Biomedical Research Career Programme is operationalized through India Alliance, a special purpose vehicle (SPV). The Programme is an equally funded partnership between The Wellcome Trust (UK) and the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India. It aims to improve the biomedical research landscape in India through mechanisms that support exceptional researchers at Indian institutions, and facilitate the recruitment of highly trained and qualified scientists from overseas. This is done through (1) a Fellowship Programme with three types of fellowships (early, intermediate and senior), (2) a culture of transparency, international quality and timeliness to grants management, and (3) effective engagement to develop the next generation of research (and policy) leadership

Ministries/Department : DBT

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Visiting Advanced Joint Research (VAJRA) Faculty Scheme

The Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India through the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) has launched a scheme titled VAJRA Faculty which means Visiting Advanced Joint Research (VAJRA) Faculty to bring a strong international connect to the R&D ecosystem of India. Hon’ble Prime Minister of India announced the Scheme during the 15th Edition of Pravasi Bharatiya Diwas (PBD) held on January 8, 2017 in Bangalore. The scheme offers adjunct / visiting faculty positions to overseas scientist / faculty / R&D professional including Non-resident Indians (NRI) and Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) to undertake high quality collaborative research in public-funded academic and research institutions of India. VAJRA Faculty will engage in collaborative research in cutting edge areas of science and technology with one or more Indian Collaborators. VAJRA Faculty may also be involved in technology development, start-ups, etc. Following is the eligibility criteria : • The scheme is open to overseas scientist / faculty / R&D professional including NRI and OCI. • The overseas scientist/faculty should be an active researcher working in a leading academic / research / industrial organization with proven track record of research and development. • Indian Collaborator(s) should be a regular faculty/researcher in public-funded academic/research institutions.

Ministries/Department : DST

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Initiatives by Homi Bhabha National Institute

HBNI has a scheme wherein scientists belonging to Indian S&T diaspora may be invited as visiting faculty members to some of the Constituents Institutes (CIs). It is possible to admit foreign students to five of the constituent institutions of HBNI viz. National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER), Institute of Physics (IoP), Bhubaneswar, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP), Kolkata, Harish-Chandra Research Institute (HRI), Allahabad, and Institute of Mathematical Science (IMSc), Chennai

Ministries/Department : DAE

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Invited Talks

With an objective to promote exchange of scientific and technical knowledge, the research institutes in DAE regularly organize colloquia at the Divisional, Group and Institute levels. For these sessions, eminent researchers from the Indian diaspora in various age groups are also invited to share their ideas and research work

Ministries/Department : DAE

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Global Initiative for Academic Networks (GIAN) in Higher Education

The Global Initiative for Academic Networks (GIAN) initiative of MHRD aimes at tapping the talent pool of scientists and entrepreneurs internationally to encourage their engagement with the institutes of Higher Education in India so as to augment the country’s existing academic resources, accelerate the pace of quality reform, and elevate India’s scientific and technological capacity to global excellence. GIAN is envisaged to catalyse higher education institutions in India. GIAN is an evolving scheme which will initially include participation of foreign faculty in Institutes as Distinguished / Adjunct / Visiting faculty / Professors of Practice, etc., to participate in delivering Short or Semester-long Courses. Other activities will be included in due course GIAN provides participation of foreign faculty as Distinguished / Adjunct / Visiting faculty / Professors of Practice, etc. in delivering Short or Semester-long Courses in IITs, IIMs, Central Universities, IISc Bangalore, IISERs, NITs and IIITs and subsequently cover good State Universities.

Ministries/Department : Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD)-India

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Programme to encourage research personnel [Non-resident Indian(NRI), Persons of Indian Origin (PIO), Overseas Citizen of India (OCI)] serving abroad, to come back to India for undertaking health research in identified areas

A large number of Indian scientists go to foreign countries, especially the European and North American countries, after completing their education in India and many of them are working in reputed medical/health research organizations. A number of these scientists are willing to return back to India to serve the country in the field of health research, provided they get suitable opportunities. Since many of these scientists have exposure to high technologies in the front areas of research, country will benefit greatly if they are provided some platform to work in Indian institutes. The Department of Health Research (Ministry of Health & Family Welfare), Government of India, has launched the programme “to encourage research personnel [Non-resident Indian (NRI),Persons of Indian Origin (PIO), Overseas Citizen of India (OCI)] serving abroad, to come back to India for undertaking research in identified areas”.

Ministries/Department : ICMR

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Ramalingaswami Re-entry Fellowship

The Department of Biotechnology has instituted a scheme known as “Ramalingaswami Re-entry Fellowship” for Indian Nationals who are working overseas in various fields of biotechnology and life sciences and are interested in taking up scientific research positions in India. Ramalingaswami Re-entry Fellows would be able to work in any of the scientific institutions/universities in the country and would also be eligible for regular research grant through extramural and other research schemes of various S&T agencies of the Government of India.

Ministries/Department : DBT

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Ramanujan Fellowship

Ramanujan Fellowship is meant for brilliant Indian scientists and engineers from outside India to take up scientific research positions in India, those Indian scientists/engineers who want to return to India from abroad. The fellowship is scientist -specific and very selective. The Ramanujan Fellows could work in any of the scientific institutions and universities in the country and they would be eligible for receiving regular research grants through the extramural funding schemes of various S&T agencies of the Government of India.

Ministries/Department : DBT

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Symposia and Conferences

DAE considers presentation and discussion of the results of R&D in open meetings as an important activity for the promotion of science and technology. Seminars, symposiums and workshops are sponsored to promote interaction among active workers. Major international/national symposia have already been established in areas like nuclear and solid-state physics, high energy physics, radiation and photochemistry, radiation and environmental sciences, materials chemistry, computational chemistry etc. Such events, which are held either every year or periodically are organized at DAE institutions or in collaboration with other institutes and both experienced and young researchers exchange and share their views and exciting results on the concerned subject. Many scientists of Indian diaspora participate in these symposia. Department also sends promising DAE researchers abroad to pursue post-doctoral research work and also to attend and participate in symposia/conferences

Ministries/Department : DAE

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